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Couple Therapy

Couple therapy is a type of psychotherapy aimed at support couples to resolve conflicts and improve the quality of their relationship. It is suitable for all types of couples, including those who are married, dating, engaged, or living together.

Couple therapy is designed to help partners overcome conflicts and improve their relationship. As part of the process, a specialised therapist helps you identify the issues causing problems in the relationship and assists you develop strategies to address these challenges. In the sessions we will work through the painful patterns and relationship injuries to re-establish and deepen a loving bond and secure connection.

Although every relationship is unique, some common challenges drive couples to seek professional help.  These include:

  • Communication Breakdown: Difficulties in effective communication leading to arguments, misunderstandings, and lack of emotional connection. Couple therapy can help you learn how to communicate more effectively with your partner, express your needs and feelings, and practice active listening. 

  • Conflict Resolution: Conflict is part of every relationship, but it can become a problem when it is not resolved effectively. Couple therapy can help develop problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills and strategies which allow you to work through disagreements in a healthy and productive way. 

  • Mental Health Issues: Navigating challenges related to mental illness can put a strain on relationships. Couple therapy provides support, guidance and helps you develop coping strategies during difficult times.

  • Infidelity: Couple therapy can provide a safe space for both partners to work through the emotional fallout of infidelity, helping you develop strategies for rebuilding trust and strengthening relationships. 

  • Substance Abuse: Substance abuse can have a significant impact on relationships, causing trust issues, financial problems, and emotional distress. Couple therapy can help address substance abuse issues and develop a plan for recovery. 

If any of this sounds familiar and you want to get your relationship back on track, I can help you find positive solutions to rekindle your connection with your partner and reach higher levels of intimacy and well-being.

Seek assistance today

If any of this sounds familiar and you want to get your relationship back on track, I can help you find positive solutions to rekindle your connection with your partner and reach higher levels of intimacy and well-being.

How Long Should Couple Therapy Take?

When considering couple therapy, you might wonder how long it will take to see positive outcomes. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as several factors can influence the duration and the outcome of the therapy. Some of these factors are:

Relationship Foundation

The strength of the bond and friendship between partners can impact the therapy's duration. A solid foundation might lead to quicker problem-solving, while strained relationships may require more time to rebuild trust and address issues. 

Severity of the problems

The severity of the problems at hand also plays a role. Minor issues may be resolved in just a few sessions, while more significant challenges may extend the process. 

Therapy Consistency 

Regular and consistent attendance in therapy sessions can lead to faster progress. Conversely, missing sessions or inconsistent participation may prolong the therapy process. 

What Can Make Couple Therapy Take Longer?

Couple therapy can be a challenging process. Some of the common challenges during the process that might extend the therapy duration include:

Lack of Commitment

If one partner is not fully invested in the therapy process, it can be difficult to make progress. Therapy will help you address any underlying issues that are contributing to the lack of commitment and help you find ways to increase your motivation and engagement. 

Resistance to Change

It’s natural to feel uncomfortable when you’re asked to change your behaviour or thought patterns. However, it’s important to remember that change is often necessary to grow and improve your relationship. In couple therapy we will work to identify areas where change is needed and develop strategies to make those changes. 

Unresolved Resentment

If one or both partners are holding onto past hurts or grievances, it can be difficult to move forward and make positive changes. In couple therapy we will identify any unresolved resentment and find ways to address it.