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Clinical Supervision

In addition to my clinical work, I am also a qualified Systemic Supervisor & Consultant, (see CV on LinkedIn) for individual clinicians or groups who are interested in further develop this area of their practice. I work both with private and agency-based clinicians.

I support clinicians through clinical dilemmas, linking systemic and relational theories with practice, paying attention to clinicians personal and professional development.

Supervision can happen in a range of different configurations. We might review audio and video material (retrospective supervision) in order to reflect on ongoing therapeutic work, live supervision, or co-work with other mental health clinicians on an ad-hoc basis.

I have experience in teaching and training, focusing on different areas of mental health, such as eating disorders, social media, parenting, nonviolent resistance approaches, and on Systemic interventions.

In my supervisory capacity, I abide at all times by the AFT Code of Ethics and Practice for Supervisors.

If you are interested in adding a Systemic Perspective to your thinking, don’t hesitate in getting in touch.